Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Image Search 4

Inspiration for Fast Shutter: Fast shutter speed to stop the motion, fairly open aperture/low fstop to let in light, bright lighting so the subject is lit up well in the picture.

Inspiration for Slow Shutter: slow shutter speed to blur the light, tripod to keep it steady and in focus, small aperture/large fstop so the picture is not too bright, no lighting besides the subject itself is needed.

Performance Final.

Fast Shutter: For this picture, I used a shutter speed of 1/1000 of a second, aperture of f16, and an ISO of 100. The subject, which was food coloring being dropped in water, was lit up from the bottom using a bright light. The picture was taken from above and then cropped to remove any unneeded and distracting background.

Slow Shutter: This picture was taken using a 2.5 second shutter speed, a f16 aperture, and an ISO of 100.  The subject of this photo is my christmas tree. To take this picture, I turned off all the lights in my room so it was completely dark and had my christmas tree lit. When the shutter opened, I slowly used my zoom lens to zoom out during the 2.5 seconds.